Thursday, October 17, 2013

Issue 18: "Happy Happy Joy Joy"

Written, penciled and inked: Doc

Happy to talk to Ashley tonight and we are gonna buy tixs tomorrow for Trans-Siberian Orchestra on December 6th! We both love Christmas time and TSO, both have always wanted to go but never got the opportunity so now we are making the time:)

Studying for my license but I promise I'll get the new fixtures in this place up soon--new lights are here, and as soon as I get 'er structurally sound, I'll start moving back in. Jukebox is ready to go, fixed up and still all my records in there! Life is good:)

Doc out.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Issue 17: "Sleepy Day"

Written, penciled and inked: Doc

Well, I just got back from Oxford and Water Valley. Can't even really count the trip to WV because I saw Bitsy for maybe 5 minutes before heading back to Oxford for a visit to Soulshine Pizza Factory. I've never eaten there before, but after looking at the menu online (isn't technology great these days?) I saw they serve a BBQ Pizza similar to Old Venice's former mainstay Hog Wild BBQ Pizza and decided to give them a shot. I was impressed--the ambience of the place, the blues music, and their staff and food...excellent. I also used the opportunity to update my laptop, which I am using to type this journal entry while listening to some John Mayer live songs on my iPhone.

I enjoyed that Soulshine was almost empty...I have needed some alone time recently as things have been hectic. I've got a new job now, an Insurance salesman for American Income Life. Leslie and I are still working out our relationship, trying to decide if there is enough left to salvage. Upon finishing this entry, I'm gonna sit down and enjoy reading some of the sequel to The Shining; Doctor Sleep is the title. I'm about 150 pages in and have not had nightmares yet. I also aim to start Rivers, by Michael Farris--it is a fictional look at a never-ending series of superstorms pounding the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and a chronicle of those who choose to remain behind in the ruins. I missed church this Sunday but that won't be a habit--I need the Lord in my life, and I will not turn my back on His grace again.

I was too tired to do too much last night--this building is a ruin, perhaps a fresh structure will allow me fresh thought lines in my head...we shall see.

Don't hold me to it but I might be back tonight after reading for a while. Have a great day:)

Monday, October 14, 2013

Issue 16: "New Beginnings, Old Endings..."

Written, penciled, inked by: Doc

Hullo, all. The poet here, stopping by his once-proud café. Now it lies in shambles, the roof collapsed in and all the furniture destroyed or taken. I had such high hopes for this place when I started writing again 2 years ago, but somehow I squandered my opportunity for renewal of the soul through this outlet. Mayhaps my pain at the time was simply too great, perhaps I've just gotten lazy.

Tonight I invite you once again into my soul, to share both the pain and the smiles of my journey:)

Tonight I will be up late repairing walls and assessing damage to see where else I should begin my repairs.

Tomorrow night we shall begin in earnest....sleep well.