Monday, March 5, 2012

Issue 15: "Lovely Lady"

Written, pencilled and inked by: Heath P. Lail

Listening to: "Crush" by DMB and "Civilian" by Wye Oak

Hullo, friends and readers.

It has been almost a week since my last entry, but life has been hectic, in both positive and negatives. Leslie and I attended church yesterday morning, in what I've determined is a concentrated effort to reattach to my more religious nature. It felt good to see old friends that I often ONLY see under a church steeple, and be with other believers.

The negative of the week was the passing of Leslie's cousin Jeff, who now resides with the Lord in peace and light. She was very distraught Friday and Saturday abou this, and some activities were curtailed in order to console her.

Overall, though, it was a productive week. I'm off to do some reading after my workout at the Y today...I'll see you here tomorrow night for something with a little more meat on it:)

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