Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Issue 14: "I have not forsaken thee"

Written, pencilled and inked by: Heath P Lail

Not much to say tonight, save that I'm feeling a little under the weather so this will be sweet and short. I will not forsake this writing exercise, as it has been cathartic to my soul. I have backed off my Repression storyline, as it was just too deep and dark and complex to handle right now.

I did have some intellectual stimulation today, though, by discussing the right or wrongness of agreeing to care for a friend's "knowingly stolen" property in order to return it to its rightful owner. More on that later, I think the bed is calling me. I may not post much this week, but I will not abandon my new-found writing freedom anytime soon, I assure you.

Keep reading, things will get interesting very soon, I promise.

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