Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Issue 9: "What the Hell Am I Doing?"

After reading a multitude of old AOL Journals, I have come to the realization that massive amounts of potential are flowing away from me like so much blood from a person who is hemmhoraging internally. I can not allow that to continue...I feel that I have strayed quite far from my intended course, and starting now, this very second, things must be set right.

This Cafe has seen too much pity-party and not enough Parliament of Wisdom 3. My intellect has been suffocated under fetishes, stupidity and false hopes, but soon...tomorrow night, soon...it will come roaring to the forefront again. I've wasted enough time, and seen too many good people die these last few years to lose sight of my potential. If I do not choose my own destiny, it will never find me. I choose my destiny. Now.


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